In this article, azVocab has compiled IELTS phrases related to the “Invention and Discoveries” topic, which you can easily apply to IELTS Writing Task 2 or the Speaking section. We also provided you with full meanings and examples of these phrases to make it easier for you to apply.
A great contribution | Something that you contribute or do to help produce or achieve something together with other people, or to help make something successful | Inventions have a great contribution to the development of the world. They can lead to new technologies, create new jobs, and improve the quality of life. |
Automated robot | Intelligent machines that can perform tasks and operate in an environment independently, without human control or intervention | We will not do household chores on a regular basis as automated robots will take over them. |
Cleaning robot | An autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner which has a limited vacuum floor cleaning system combined with sensors and robotic drives with programmable controllers and cleaning routines | Any kind of technology can make us lazy, but at the moment it is the cleaning robot. |
To harness the power | To control something, usually in order to use its power | There are many steps that you can take to harness the power of your brain’s ability to change and improve your memory. |
To have sth delivered to somewhere | To take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to | With just one screen and one touch, we can get whatever we want and have them delivered to our home. |
Household appliance | A device, machine, or piece of equipment, especially an electrical one that is used in the house, such as a cooker or washing machine | The advent of the light bulb in 1880 marked a milestone in history when it put an end to darkness and people had a brand new household appliance to light. |
It (would) take ages for sb to do sth | To take a long time to do something | In the past, it would take ages for us to send and receive messages from someone. |
Light bulb | A rounded glass container that produces light when an electric current is passed through it | It took him many years to invent those things and his inventions range from the fluoroscope to the phonograph,… but the most outstanding one must be the light bulb, which is the thing that we still use today. |
Milestone in history | An important event in the history | The advent of the light bulb in 1880 marked a milestone in history when it put an end to darkness and people had a brand new household appliance to light. |
Prolific inventor | A scientist who has a lot of inventions | He is famous all over the world for being a very prolific inventor, who has more than 1,000 patents for more than 1,000 inventions throughout his life |
Revolutionary creations | A product that is new and exciting and not like anything that has existed or been done before | I would like to talk about the telephone which, in my opinion, is one of the most revolutionary creations that has changed our lives. |
To spring to one’s mind | To come quickly into your mind | However, considering what springs to my mind at the moment, I think I would describe the Internet. |
Technical know-how | All recorded and unrecorded information and knowledge relating to the design, development of production, installation and operation of the product | Indeed I think it is true to say the technical know-how required then was far greater than it is now. |
Technological advancement | The generation or discovery of knowledge that advances the understanding of science or technology | I really don’t think that technological advancement has reached a point where robots can equal or surpass the teaching skills of human beings. |
Technological breakthrough | An important development or achievement in technology | Technological breakthroughs help humans in many ways and our life is much more convenient. |
Trial and error | A way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by trying a number of different methods and learning from the mistakes that you make | In a language lab, students learn by trial and error. |
Vacuum cleaner | A machine that cleans floors and other surfaces by sucking up dust and dirt | There are a variety of innovations that can be used at home to help people with household chores nowadays, but I guess one of the most helpful ones would be the vacuum cleaner. |
Online application | A programme, like one you would use on your computer or smartphone, that operate online on a website | In addition, the smartphone helps reduce the cost of our call as we have online applications such as Viber, Skype or Whatsapp. |
The father of | The man who began something or first made something important | As far as I know, Alexander Graham Bell was the father of a terrific device such as the telephone. |
Within a nanosecond | Within a very brief moment | Needless to say, the Internet helps connect people from all around the globe within a nanosecond. |
IT skills | Tech skills required for technical support, maintenance, and production | Computers are used much more frequently by the school, in order for students to learn some basic IT skills. |
Communication of knowledge | The (deliberate) activity of interactively conveying and co-constructing insights, assessments, experiences, or skills through verbal and non-verbal means | Moreover, I can also see projectors being present in every single class nowadays as it is an indispensable tool that facilitates the learning process of students as well as the communication of knowledge by teachers. |
azVocab hopes that these phrases for the topic of “Inventions and Discoveries” will help you easily approach these two subjects. Wishing you good study and success in your upcoming IELTS exam!
IELTS phrases