Useful Phrases for IELTS Topic Science and Technology

In this article, azVocab has compiled IELTS phrases related to the “Science and Technology” topic, which you can easily apply to IELTS Writing Task 2 or the Speaking section. We also provided you with full meanings and examples of these phrases to make it easier for you to apply.

Subtopic Science

“Science” is one of the common topics that often appear in the IELTS exam. Let’s immediately learn the following phrases provided by azVocab.

A superior species A species that predominates in an ecological community, particularly when they are most numerous or form the bulk of the biomass A superior species doesn’t have to follow all of these requirements; the demonstration that the species is “superior” to humanity is enough.
Chemical element A substance that cannot be broken down into any simpler chemical substances and is made of atoms all of the same type Neon is a chemical element with symbol Ne and atomic number 10.
The periodic table An arrangement of the symbols of chemical elements in rows and columns, showing similarities in chemical behaviour, especially between elements in the same columns The periodic table gained a new element last month.
Chemical composition The arrangement, ratio, and type of atoms in molecules of chemical substances This does not mean that the process, in any way, adds any minerals to the slurry; it merely changes its chemical composition.
Gain more insight into To learn or find out about something This study was designed to gain more insight into the mechanisms underlying motor imagery.
Production processes The process in which the factors of production, i.e. inputs of resources, are turned into products or services A production process is a method of using economic input or resources, like labor, capital equipment or land, to provide goods and services to consumers.
R&D activities Creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge and to devise new applications using available knowledge Research and development (R&D) activities are undertaken by companies to innovate and introduce new products and services.
Scientific breakthroughs Discoveries that transform the knowledge frontier and have a major impact on science, technology, and society Keep reading to discover major scientific breakthroughs of the last century.
The advent of modern science The start of modern science The advent of modern science has brought with it a number of improvements to the way that countries and societies function.
Genetic Engineering/Modification The process or science of changing the structure of the genes of a living thing in order to make it healthier, stronger, or more useful to humans The crops were made resistant to disease by genetic engineering.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) A plant or animal whose genes have been scientifically changed In addition, the food must be labelled if it could have health implications for certain population sectors, contains ingredients that raise ethical concerns, or contains a genetically modified organism.
Placebo effect When a person’s physical or mental health appears to improve after taking a placebo or ‘dummy’ treatment She was given a placebo, not the real drug, but she said she felt much better- that’s the placebo effect.
Science-based subjects Subjects that are based on the theory and application of scientific concepts Government funding for education gives preference to science-based subjects over others.
Scientific development The gradual growth or formation of science An increase in scientific developments can have many benefits to national progress.
Scientific study A kind of study that involves scientific theory, scientific models, experiments and physical situations Scientific studies support these statements time and time again.
Scientific test/experiment Any process in which measurements are used and tests are carried out to verify or refute a hypothesis I told her that was a great scientific experiment and she should try it.
Modern science The various applications of scientific knowledge which have been used to solve human problems Another benefit that modern science has granted is the development of renewable energy.
Nuclear engineering The engineering discipline concerned with the design and application of systems that make use of the energy released by nuclear processes As well as aerospace, disciplines range from nuclear engineering to advanced medical manufacturing and robotics.
Molecular biology The study of the structure and action of the molecules that make up living things Moreover, molecular biology has taught us that superficial similarities in morphology can hide important differences in molecular architecture and biochemistry.
Cybernetics The scientific study of how information is communicated in machines and electronic devices, comparing this with how information is communicated in the brain and nervous system Developments in cybernetics should be openly debated with accountability to the public, especially for investment of public funds.
Living matter The matter that interferes with all vital processes such as respiration, feeding, growth and multiplication A breakthrough in the scientific understanding of living matter sheds new light on the origin and evolution of life.
Atomic particle The smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist A gamma ray passes through matter until it undergoes an interaction with an atomic particle, usually an electron.

Subtopic Technology

Below, azVocab will provide you with phrases related to the “Technology” topic. You can apply them to your Writing Task 2 or Speaking part.

Electrical and Computer-based technology The computer technology used for controlling textile manufacturing processes Advances in genome sequencing and computer-based technologies have facilitated this approach to finding imprinted genes.
Advanced technology A new or developing IT innovation that still has relatively few users, yet promises to provide future, significant value Scientists use advanced technology to study the function of the human body.
To back up files and documents To make a spare copy of data or a disk You should always back up important files and documents so that you won’t lose all your work if something goes wrong with the hardware.
Computer age The period in modern history characterized by computer use and development and its effects on all aspects of life We don’t need where the world is going, in the computer age, to separate us, you know.
The digital age The present time, in which many things are done by computer and large amounts of information are available because of computer technology I envy people born in the digital age as they’ve grown up with computers and seem to find it easier to adapt to new technologies than us older generation.
Computer buff/literate A perrson that is able to use computers well Mike is a computer buff. He got an A+ on his programming exam.
Computer technology The activity of designing and constructing and programming computers Computer technology developed rapidly in the 1950s.
Digital technology Tools, systems and devices that can generate, create, store or process data Digital technology has made shopping online so much easier.
Medical technology The technologies that diagnose, treat and/or improve a person’s health and wellbeing The advance of medical technology has saved thousands of patients’ lives.
Military technology The application of technology for use in warfare Military technology makes huge advances during wartime.
New/modern technology Modern products, services and infrastructure that are designed and built using scientific knowledge and engineering New technology is expected to displace manual workers.
Space technology Technology for use in outer space, in travel (astronautics) or other activities beyond Earth’s atmosphere, for purposes such as spaceflight, space exploration, and Earth observation Altogether, Nasa claims there have been ‘well over 1,300 spin-offs from space technology.
Emerging technology Technologies whose development, practical applications, or both are still largely unrealized Emerging technologies are new technologies that are currently developing or will be developed over the next five to ten years.
Labour-saving device A device that saves a lot of effort and time The labour-saving device I’m most grateful for is my washing machine.
Computerized machinery A hybrid between an operational computer system and a machine that normally doesn’t have a computer attached to it Computers and computerized machinery can now do the work that would have previously been carried out by humans, allowing greater efficiency and higher productivity output.
Electronic gadgets Specialized electronic devices that require a form of electric power to operate Japan is a very high-tech country. Almost everyone has all the latest electronic gadgets.
Online banking The process or activity of managing bank accounts or operating as a bank over the internet Online banking stocks also did extremely well.
To surf the Internet/web To spend time visiting a lot of websites Protect the Internet connection and encrypt personal information to surf the web safely, regardless of whether you are at home, at work or in a public place.
Telecommunication services Services provided by a telecommunications provider, or a specified set of user-information transfer capabilities provided to a group of users by a telecommunications system Telecommunication services include all forms of voice telephony and data transmission as well as leasing of circuit capacity.
The latest technology Any set of productive techniques which offers a significant improvement over the established technology for a given process in a specific historical context The plane is equipped with the latest technology.
To be stuck behind a computer To use computer for a long period of time A lot of teenagers are stuck behind their computers all day.
To be glued to the screen to be unable to stop looking at computers or phones Being glued to a screen has become a part of American youth culture.
To boot up To prepare a computer for use by loading its operating system; to be prepared in this way He booted up the computer and started work.
To browse websites To look at information on the internet Potential buyers browse the website and get in touch with you directly if they’re interested.
Wireless connection  A computer network that uses wireless data connections between network nodes Additional features include an IrDA interface for wireless connection and a locking switch for printer transport.
Wireless hotspot Internet access points that allow you to connect to a WiFi network using your computer, smartphone or another device while away from your home or office network While Mango does support a wireless hotspot, the Radar doesn’t.
Streamlined and efficient workplaces The workplaces that help work or operate quickly and effectively in an organized way Increases in electrical and computer-based technologies have led to much more streamlined and efficient workplaces.
To access the Internet To connect to the Internet Most people use their phones to access the internet.
To hack into the network To compromise digital devices and networks through unauthorized access to an account or computer system A programmer had managed to hack into the network of some big companies.
Social media networks A website or computer program that allows people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone Social media networks help people to stay in touch in ways they simply could not do before.

azVocab hopes that these phrases for the topic of Science and Technology will help you easily approach these two subjects. Wishing you good study and success in your upcoming IELTS exam!!