Useful Phrases for IELTS Topic Language and Communication

In this article, azVocab has compiled IELTS phrases related to the “Language and Communication” topic, which you can easily apply to IELTS Writing Task 2 or the Speaking section. We also provided you with full meanings and examples of these phrases to make it easier for you to apply.

Subtopic Language

The topic of Language is a common one in everyday communication as well as in various sections of the IELTS exam.

A common means of communication Means of communication are used by people to communicate and exchange information with each other as an information sender and an information recipient In most organizations, meetings are a common means of communicationand one that often receives mixed reviews.
Commonly spoken languages The most popular spoken languages in the world So it should come as no surprise that Russian is one of the most commonly spoken languages in the world.
Expensive language programmes The language study programmes that are expensive Private language courses are among the most expensive language programmes available to students.
Foreign language A language that is not an official language of, nor typically spoken in, a specific country It is true that thanks to technological advances, these days we can easily translate any foreign language into our mother tongue and vice versa.
Heritage language A minority language learned by its speakers at home as children, and difficult to be fully developed because of insufficient input from the social environment The Navajo are reluctant to give up their heritage language.
Language education policy The legislation on the practices pertaining to the languages or medium of instruction and languages of literacy used in basic education INLEPS, the International Network of Language Education Policy Studies, focuses on issues related to language education policies in schools worldwide.
Language preservation The preservation of endangered or dead languages While the challenge of language preservation may seem overwhelming, it is far from impossible.
Linguistic diversity A broad term used to describe the differences between different languages and the ways that people communicate with each other Linguistic diversity is enshrined in Article 22 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Local dialects The language used in a particular region or by a particular ethnic group of people living within a country Geographical dialects include local dialects, for example, the Russian they speak in Moscow versus the dialect they speak in Smolensk.
Machine translation The process of using artificial intelligence to automatically translate text from one language to another without human involvement Machine translation is often more accurate due to the fact that translation software is designed so that it is able to translate a word or a phrase based on its own context.
Minority languages A language spoken by a minority of the population of a territory Full international acclaim comes slowly to poets whose best work is in minority languages.
Misunderstanding and miscommunication The situation that people communicate mistakenly, unclearly, or inadequately These eventually become rooted in our minds as truths, and then everyone gets stuck in a cycle of misunderstanding and miscommunication.
Mother tongue The first language that you learn when you are a baby, rather than a language learned at school or as an adult It is true that thanks to technological advances, these days we can easily translate any foreign language into our mother tongue and vice versa.
Body language The movements or positions of your body that show other people how you are feeling, without using words We could tell from his body language that he was nervous.
A widely-spoken language A language that is widely spoken in the world The English language is the most widely-spoken language in the world.
The world’s linguistic heritage The world’s heritage that relates to language or the study of language The project aims to enhance access to the world’s linguistic heritage by making an existing collection of more than 9,000 PDF documents
The exposure to a language The contact that the learner has with the language that they are trying to learn, either generally or with specific language points This interpretation could be tested by systematically varying the exposure to a particular language before testing for cross-linguistic transfer.
To adopt the dominant language To speak the dominat language People are forced to adopt the dominant language or risk being left out in the cold.
To be able to hold a conversation in (a language) To be able to interact with others in the language and can hold your own in a conversation What is the best way to learn in order to be able to hold a conversation in Japanese quickly?
To encounter language barriers To meet a difficulty in communicating because they speak different languages When you go abroad, you will encounter language barriers. There will be confusion and misunderstanding.
To have a high level of proficiency in (a language) To communicate fluently and accurately in any situation, almost like a native speaker What matters is that the proofreader should have a high level of proficiency in English, particularly with regard to professional or technical texts.
To lead to tension and conflicts To lead to the result of a misunderstanding that whenever not solved over the run becomes a conflict Different understandings of what is appropriate in maintaining and managing a site and who gets to decide can lead to tension and conflicts.
To speak the same language To speak the same a system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar If people speak the same language, they have the same views about things or want to achieve the same things.
To support language learning To help study a language A number of organizations support language learning, including Chinese early language and immersion education.
To learn languages with (such remarkable) ease To study languages easily She is so talented in language that she learns languages with ease.
To master a foreign language To be extremely skilled in a language belonging or connected to a country that is not your own Mastering a foreign language is a complicated, time-intensive task that requires dedication, persistence, and hard work.
To impair language abilities If something impairs language ability, it damages it or makes it worse Even at low levels of exposure, lead can impair a child’s language ability and cause behavioral problems.
To coin a term To create a new word or phrase It was this approach that led him to coin the term ‘interaction design’ in the mid-1980s.
To be fluent in (a language) When a person is fluent, they can speak a language easily, well, and quickly She‘s fluent in French and English and has a working knowledge of Spanish.
To pick up new vocabulary To learn new words One of the simplest ways to pick up new vocabulary is by observing how other people use it, for example, through seeing how friends and family speak.
To sharpen one’s fluency To become better, smarter, more skillful at using a language Students studying abroad have the chance to engage with locals, which allows them to sharpen their fluency in ways they would never experience in their own country.
Translation apps Any type of software that supports the process of transferring the meaning of a message from one language to another Another example is that those who decide to work or study overseas might encounter various problems if they rely entirely on their translation apps for their daily communication.

Subtopic Communication

Below, azVocab will provide you with phrases related to the “Communication” topic. You can apply them to your Writing Task 2 or Speaking part.

An explosion in the use of platforms The state that a lot of people use platforms The increase in the online population leads to an explosion in the use of platforms.
Chat room A part of the internet where people can communicate by writing messages to each other, often on a particular subject I want to make it easy for you to check out my chat room.
Communication breakdown A failure to exchange information, resulting in a lack of communication A communication breakdown is defined as a failure to exchange information, resulting in a lack of communication
Communication channel A system or method that is used for communicating with other people She called the local office, and they contacted us through our communication channels.
Cyber world A real or virtual world of information in cyberspace We know there’s truly nothing secret in the cyber world.
To discourage real interaction To prevent real-life interaction The availability of new communication technologies can also result in isolating people and discouraging real interaction.
Gadgets and mobile devices A portable computing device that has a small form factor such that it can easily be carried by a single individual; is designed to operate without a physical connection Communication has become more simple thanks to the help of gadgets and mobile devices.
To give access to To open a computer file, a website, etc. in order to look at or change information in it The user clicks the link and navigates to a page that gives access to a unique confirmation code.
Interact with someone To communicate with someone, especially while you work, play or spend time with them Developing communication skills is the way to interact with people well.
To keep/stay in touch To continue to talk to or write to someone Technology has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, and staying in touch is easier than ever.
To resolve communication problem To resolve a breakdown in the individual’s ability to effectively convey their thoughts as a meaningful message Regardless of your role in the company, these tools will help you resolve communication problems at work.
Snail mail Letters or messages that are not sent by email, but in the post We agreed on the deal online, but we’ll have to wait for snail mail to get the paperwork.
Take part in interactive activities To be actively involved in activities that are interactive You must take part in these interactive activities in order to receive a passing grade.
Telecommunication services The offering of telecommunications for a fee directly to the public, or to such classes of users as to be effectively available directly to the public, regardless of the facilities used Telecommunication services may exhibit a large number of different service behaviors due to diverse combinations of service features with service data.
To convey feelings To express feelings to other people They act, dance, sculpt, paint, and write to convey feelings and information.
Traditional means of communicating Methods used in a specific culture for communication of ideas and dissemination of information The rapid growth of the Internet will sooner or later put an end to traditional means of communicating.
Verbal communication The use of words to share information with other people People often use verbal communication to transfer useful and important information.
Non-verbal communication Conveying information without using words Non-verbal communication seems to provide a more genuine communication of sympathy because it is difficult to control nonverbal behavior and expressions.
Oral communication The process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one individual or group to another Oral communication can facilitate face-to-face communication when speakers can not only use oral and verbal forms but also non-verbal tools to convey the emotional message.
Virtual communication The use of digital tools such as emails, text messages, chats, and video conferences to relay information between people who are not physically face to face We define virtual communication as a mode of communication that includes the use of technology.
Effective communicator Someone who conveys their message thoroughly and is receptive and responsive to others’ input Martin had gained a reputation for being an effective communicator and economic manager, having also served a stint as treasurer.
Written communication The exchange of information, ideas, or messages through written language in the form of letters, emails, notes, and more In terms of law and business, written communication is much more important than spoken words.
Interpersonal communication Communication between two or more people An understanding of interpersonal communication and training in communication skills is now a well-accepted part of the training curriculum of most health professionals.
Face-to-face communication When two or more people interact and communicate while visible to one another In communicating online people seem to be more outgoing than in face-to-face communication.
Means of communication The methods used for communication between sender and recipient and thus for the transmission of information In contrast, written form, despite the longer response time, is a more reliable means of communication in the legal, academic, and business world.
To maintain eye-contact To be in a situation in which two people look directly into each other’s eyes Maintaining eye contact makes the audience feel like you are giving them full attention.
To engage/address the listener To interact with the listener Most good speakers know how to engage their listeners by asking and answering questions.

azVocab hopes that these phrases for the topic of “Language and Communication” will help you easily approach these two subjects. Wishing you good study and success in your upcoming IELTS exam!