Fame and Media is a topic often encountered in IELTS exam, thus students will need to have extensive vocabulary knowledge of the topic, especially for aspiring band 7.0+ scorers. azVocab has compiled 30 important words from the topic of Fame and Media. These words can be applied across all four IELTS skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. azVocab offers carefully chosen examples specifically for people aiming for a high band score. This approach helps you understand how to use the vocabulary in context, maximizing the effectiveness of your learning.
For your convenience, the following table lists the words for topic Fame and Media for easier tracking and review.
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azVocab hope this guide will help you ace the topic of Fame and Media in the IELTS exam and achieve your target band score!
👉 Explore more IELTS vocabulary topics at: Common IELTS Vocabulary Phrases by 18 Topics