50+ từ vựng chủ đề Transport and Travel thông dụng cho kì thi IELTS
25 November, 2022Từ vựng IELTS theo chủ đề

Từ những bộ sách hay nhất cho việc ôn thi IELTS, azVocab đã tổng hợp được hơn 50 từ vựng phổ biến nhất thuộc chủ đề Transport and Travel cho kì thi IELTS.
Các từ vựng này đều có thể sử dụng cho cả 4 kỹ năng Reading, Listening, Speaking và Writing. Những ví dụ được azVocab lựa chọn kĩ lưỡng trong từng ngữ cảnh cụ thể ở các bài thi IELTS. Điều này sẽ giúp các bạn biết cách sử dụng từ trong ngữ cảnh, tăng tính hiệu quả của việc học từ.
1. Từ vựng về Vận tải
communications (n.) – hệ thống giao thông | Its commercial success as a city is partly due to its excellent communications with the major cities of Europe. |
congestion (n.) – sự tắc đường | The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry. |
fare (n.) – tiền tàu xe, máy bay | Since 1938, the federal government had strictly regulated airline fares and routes. |
goods (n.) – hàng hóa | In Otis’s time, warehouses commonly used moving platforms to transport goods between floors. |
itinerary (n.) – hành trình | It can be useful to store a copy of your itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will know where to find you if your luggage gets lost. |
a load (phr.) – nhiều | One truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy load of coal. |
motorist (n.) – tài xế | A passing motorist stopped and gave her a lift to the nearby town. |
motorway (n.) – đường cao tốc, xa lộ | There are some really large billboards along the motorway as you come into town. |
passenger (n.) – hành khách | The number of train passengers fell to a low of approximately 25 percent in 2000. |
route (n.) – tuyến đường; lộ trình; đường đi | In 1978, President Jimmy Carter deregulated the airlines. Airlines could now choose their own routes and fares. |
the underground (n.) – hệ thống tàu điện ngầm | I’ve ridden on the New York subway, the Paris metro, and the London underground. |
ticket (n.) – vé | It is difficult to get tickets at that time of year so we booked ours in advance. |
timetable (n.) – thời gian biểu; bảng lịch trình | The timetable for our trip to Paris includes visits to Notre-Dame and the Louvre. |
traffic (n.) – giao thông | The traffic is so bad nowadays that I was leaving the house at 6:30 every morning to get there in time. |
transport (n.) – vận tải | Thanks to modern transport, people can now joumey a lot more easily than in the past. |
travel (n.) – sự di chuyển | The two greatest troughs occurred in adventure tourism in 1970 and rail travel in 2000. |
long-distance (adj.) – khoảng cách xa | Air travelling is cheaper than other forms of long-distance transport in my country. |
nearby (adv.) – gần | We have some great attractions nearby for visitors, as well as a huge sports stadium and fantastic theme parks. |
board (v.) – lên tàu, thuyền, xe… | Behe credits one man, Fifth Officer Harold Lowe, with saving many lives due to his insistence that passengers board lifeboats. |
commute (v.) – đi làm và về nhà hàng ngày | Many people commute from the suburbs to their jobs in the city. |
delay (v.) – chậm trễ, trì hoãn | In the late 1830s, railroad traffic became heavy enough for freight trains to delay passenger trains. |
misunderstand (v.) – hiểu nhầm | If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely misunderstand the nature of the problem. |
pressurise (v.) – gây áp lực | Airplane manufacturers built new airplanes with pressurised and heated cabins. |
public (adj.) – công cộng | Most people don’t drive because there are always traffic jams, but the public transport is really well organised. |
encounter (v.) – bắt gặp; đụng độ | I think you’ll find your trip down the Amazon quite an adventure. You can expect to encounter some pretty strange insects in the rainforest. |
float (v.) – nổi | Outriggers have one or more parallel floats attached to a dugout canoe with poles for increased stability in ocean waves. |
2. Từ vựng về Du lịch, di chuyển
countryside (n.) – vùng quê, miền quê | Experience a sumptuous countryside, welcome fine food, admire our world-class heritage and the stunning scenery that surrounds our town. |
destination (n.) – điểm đến | We offer the widest choice of destinations, accommodation and activities throughout the Alps. |
eco-tourism (n.) – du lịch sinh thái | Nowadays we hear a great deal about the popularity of eco-tourism which I think indicates that people are more aware of the environment and wish to protect it rather than harm it. |
facilities (n.) – tiện nghi | The hotel offers exceptional sporting facilities, including a 50 metre swimming pool. |
hospitality (n.) – lòng hiếu khách | The local people showed me great hospitality. |
identification (n.) – sự nhận dạng; thông tin nhận dạng | Make sure that you keep sufficient identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of your passport details to yourself in case it is lost or stolen. |
inhabitant (n.) – cư dân | Today, there are 21 megacities, each containing more than 10 million inhabitants, three-quarters of them in developing nations. |
journey (n.) – chuyến đi | For longer journeys, make sure you take plenty of snacks and drinks, especially if you are travelling with small children. |
landscape (n.) – quang cảnh, phong cảnh | One of the world’s last genuine wilderness areas, this breathtaking, ice-covered landscape is more accessible in the summer than you might think. |
luggage (n.) – hành lý | However, modern-day travel also has its problems: airports can be very crowded and there are often long queues of people waiting to collect their luggage. |
peak (n.) – đỉnh núi; đỉnh, cao điểm | These figures reached a peak in 1982 when over 2 million new machines were sold. |
tourism (n.) – ngành du lịch | Tourism has brought a lot of benefits to many countries around the world. |
tourist (n.) – du khách | The arrival of a group of tourists in a small community can mean the end of peace and quiet as they indulge in one long party. |
travelling (n.) – chuyến du lịch | I think travelling helps to educate you about the world. |
trip (n.) – chuyến du lịch, chuyến đi | If you are going away on a short journey trip of only a few days, then you may be able to limit yourself to hand luggage and save even more time. |
valley (n.) – thung lũng | Hikers are treated to magnificent views of glacier-covered peaks above and tropical valleys below in their journey over high mountain passes. |
village (n.) – ngôi làng | I live in a quaint little village about 300 kilometres from the nearest big city. |
adventurous (adj.) – thích phiêu lưu, mạo hiểm | Since aeroplanes became a common form of transport, people have become more adventurous in their choice of holiday destinations. |
breathtaking (adj.) – ngoạn mục | There are beautiful beaches, coastal villages, unspoilt coves and bays, clear turquoise waters, breathtaking scenery, and mountains that appear to rise out of the sea. |
budget (adj.) – rất rẻ | Cheap flights are available from budget travel agents. |
coastal (adj.) – (thuộc) bờ biển; (thuộc) miền ven biển, (thuộc) miền duyên hải | Whilst droughts are not uncommon in many parts of the country, the coastal region remains humid throughout the year. |
cosmopolitan (adj.) – (thuộc) toàn thế giới | My city is famous for its skyscrapers, statues and fountains. It’s a very exciting and cosmopolitan place to live. |
diverse (adj.) – đa dạng | This Icelandic wonderland never ceases to amaze — with its diverse scenery, wealth of activities and attractions including whale watching. |
flexible (adj.) – linh hoạt | Try to be flexible with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. |
foreign (adj.) – (thuộc) nước ngoài | If your flight is delayed or your luggage is lost, these can be difficult to obtain in an airport or foreign country. |
local (adj.) – (thuộc) địa phương | This invasion affects the local people in many ways, disrupting their normal routine and increasing their working hours. |
luxurious (adj.) – sang trọng, lộng lẫy | I get to stay in luxurious hotels and I get on really well with all the other staff. |
mountainous (adj.) – nhiều núi | The most memorable place live ever visited was Bhucan. It’s a really amazing place because it’s in a very remote, mountainous area. |
peaceful (adj.) – thái bình, hòa bình | I like living in the countryside because it’s so peaceful and the air is really fresh, so it’s much nicer than in the city. |
picturesque (adj.) – đẹp như tranh | My village is 200 metres above sea level and it’s very picturesque up here so we get a lot of visitors. |
polluted (adj.) – bị ô nhiễm | I suppose the only downside is that the air can get a little polluted at times. |
popular (adj.) – phổ biến, nổi tiếng | Fairmont Island has many features that attract tourists but the most popular of these are the scenery and the people. |
quaint (adj.) – lạ, hoài cổ | She sold the place to me with talk of crashing waves and quaint villages. |
remote (adj.) – hẻo lánh, xa xôi | Even in the most remote areas, people have access to some form of transport. |
scenic (adj.) – có thể chiêm ngưỡng cảnh vật; tuyệt đẹp | Open sea and salty jagoons stretch out on both sides of the scenic thoroughfare. |
self-catering (adj.) – kì nghỉ tự phục vụ | They have special rates and inclusive hotels and self-catering holidays. |
stunning (adj.) – lộng lẫy, rạng rỡ, tuyệt vời | Experience a sumptuous countryside welcome of fine food, and admire our world-class heritage and the stunning scenery that surrounds our town. |
terrifying (adj.) – khiếp sợ | Go to Bhutans and you may well find yourself driving for hours along terrifying, winding mountain passes and then climbing to a monastery perched on a cliff that seems to defy all laws of physics. |
transient (adj.) – thoáng qua; tạm thời | The mountain lies between his residence and the main road and occludes the expectation of transient visits. |
valuable (adj.) – có giá trị lớn, quý giá | Travelling to the Seychelles was a very valuable experience. |
accompany (v.) – đi cùng, đồng hành | We looked all over the town and eventually found a local guide to accompany us to the nearest village. |
fluctuate (v.) – dao động, thay đổi bất thường | The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year so try to be flexible with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. |
migrate (v.) – di cư, di trú | In 1849, many Australians migrated to the United States during the gold rush. |
mitigate (v.) – giảm nhẹ, làm dịu bớt, làm cho đỡ | It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island. |
organize (v.) – tổ chức | Some tours are organized to destinations where wild animals can be observed. |
seek (v.) – tìm kiếm | Tourists increasingly seek more tourist information at the destination and search differently depending on the topic and their connectivity preferences in the different digital channels and locations. |
Trên đây là những từ vựng thông dụng chủ đề Transport and Travel cho kì thi IELTS. Hy vọng đây là nguồn tài liệu giúp các bạn ôn tập cho kì thi hiệu quả hơn. Các bạn có thể xem thêm từ vựng ở những chủ đề khác trong bài tổng hợp chủ điểm từ vựng thông dụng cho kì thi IELTS của azVocab.