Useful Phrases for IELTS Topic Education

“Education” is a very common topic in the IELTS exam. This is a broad and rapidly evolving subject, so questions on this topic are also quite diverse. In this article, azVocab will compile the most comprehensive vocabulary phrases related to the Education topic, so that you can easily remember and apply them to your exam.

Attitude towards studying a way of feeling or thinking about studying I really admire Linh for several reasons. Firstly, it is her attitude towards studying.
Broaden someone’s knowledge to increase the range of one’s knowledge I find that I can broaden my knowledge and have more confidence.
Communication skill and teamwork ability the skill to communicate with other people and the ability to working together in a group with other people Problem-solving, time management, communication skills and teamwork ability are the skills that you can learn at university.
Distance learning a way of studying in which you do not attend a school, college, or university, but study from where you live, usually being taught and given work to do over the internet They offer advanced degrees or professional certifications through distance learning.
Face-to-face class a class in which students meet with the professor in a brick-and-mortar classroom during scheduled class time When you take part in a face-to-face class, you will have an opportunity to interact with teachers in person, then you can respond to the teacher immediately.
Vocational course a course focused on practical work, preparing students for a particular trade or skilled profession Students from ethnic minority families tend to choose vocational courses at university – law or medicine rather than English or philosophy, for instance.
Foreign exchange programmes an arrangement in which people from different countries visit each other’s country, perhaps to strengthen links between them or to improve foreign language skills Students must be sensitized to participate in foreign exchange programmes.
A graduation ceremony the act of graduating or the state of being graduated A graduation ceremony is one of the most important days in a student’s life.
To do research into (sth) to gather and study a large or dense amount of information about someone or something Doing research into culture has always intrigued me as I have been a keen learner of culture.
To get a qualification to obtain an official record showing that you have successfully finished a course of training or study, have the skills necessary to do something, etc. If you want to get this qualification, you have to learn very hard.
To give priority to sth To treat something as more important than anything else The school will give priority to science, maths and modern languages.
To have deeper insight into sth to have a deeper understanding of something I was really into studying it since I could have deeper insight into ASEAN countries’ cultures and be immersed in their vivid civilization.
To make progress to move forward in one’s work or activity I’m making much progress with my Spanish.
To reach new heights of knowledge to become higher than ever before in your knowledge I think that Linh’s success in the future will just be a matter of time as she always moves forward to reach new heights of knowledge.
To take a course/subject to enroll in, attend, and work toward the completion of an academic course I’m taking an intensive course at a local private language school.
To drop out of school to stop going to school before finishing the course of instruction She dropped out of school when she was 14.
To encourage independent learning to encourage students pursue their own research and recognise which educational material is most valuable to them My teacher encourages us in independent learning.
To fall behind with your studies to fail to do something fast enough or on time Mary was ill for two weeks, so she fell behind with her studies.
To gain in-depth knowledge to become knowledgeable about a particular subject, typically through research and study As a student of one of our specialisations, you will gain in-depth knowledge of the discipline of your choice.
To achieve high grades to have high grades in some subjects or one subject In high school, Bourguiba achieved high grades in Mathematics with the help of the new teacher that taught him.
To have the opportunity to do sth to capitalize on or make practical and worthwhile use of something in order to accomplish something How wonderful for them to have the opportunity to be taught by him.
To improve educational outcomes to improve what happens to students as a result of objectives and outputs This will contribute to a more systematic understanding of the most cost-effective ways to improve education outcomes.
To keep up with your studies to motivate someone to stay focused on their studies or to encourage someone to keep studying If you want to keep up with your studies at university, you have to spend more time on self-study.
To learn a wide range of skills to have ability to do many different types of tasks The MSc Global Marketing & Negotiation aims to provide a wide range of skills and techniques for problem-solving and decision-making to students.
To meet a deadline to finish work on time, by the agreed date Unfortunately, we weren’t able to meet the deadline for our project.
To pass/fail the exam to be successful/ unsuccessful in a test, exam, etc. This is the minimum score you need to pass the exam. He urged students not to kill themselves, adding that failing the exam isn’t the end of life.
To play truant to stay away from school without permission During my school years, I sometimes played truant with my friends.
To sit an exam to take a test or exam Tomorrow I’ll have to sit a two-hour math exam.
To study abroad to gain an education in a foreign country in order to attain a wider perspective of different cultures and explore new horizons By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land.
To take a year out to do nothing for a year… or at least, nothing productive for yourself My friend took a year out and went traveling to the UK
To top international educational league tables to rank high position in the ranking of the best schools in the world You have to work hard to have a chance to learn in countries at the top of international school league tables.
To learn something by heart to learn something very thoroughly; to memorize something The course requires me to learn a lot of things by heart, which is quite hard for me.
To work your way through university to do a job while you are a student because you need the money to pay for your courses, books, etc. He worked his way through college, performing menial tasks in exchange for reduced tuition.

You should practice using these phrases regularly to remember them better. Best wishes for your success in conquering the upcoming IELTS exam!